Jobs and Career Corner

Key Areas to Focus on To Make Yourself a Better Leader

Everyone wishes to grow in their career and become a leader. Some are born leaders, and some are trained. However, the best training is self-training, which involves understanding how to become a better leader and introspection to determine which areas to focus on to improve and lead better. A leader must maintain focus, set common causes, work under pressure, control

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Transactional Leadership Vs. Transformational Leadership

In the realm of leadership, two prominent styles often come to the forefront: transactional leadership vs. transformational leadership. These distinct leadership approaches represent contrasting philosophies and methodologies for leading teams and achieving organizational goals. While transactional leadership focuses on exchanges and task-oriented performance, transformational leadership emphasizes inspiration, vision, and personal growth. This article discusses the distinction of both leadership styles,

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Writing a Cover Letter in Japan: Guide with Tips and Samples

In the pre-email and electronic job application days, cover letters were necessary to be included along with the resume while applying for a job. A cover letter allows the applicants to introduce themselves to the employer and explain what position in the company they are applying for. This article will discuss the general tips for an effective cover letter and

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Mastering the Job Hunt: A Recruiter’s Perspective

A job hunt can be challenging, often filled with uncertainties and challenges. This article delves into the essential strategies that can transform your job search, encouraging you to adopt a recruiter’s mindset. By understanding the job market dynamics from the recruiter’s perspective, you can fine-tune your approach, making your job application stand out and increasing your chances of success. What

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Build Your Standout Resume: A Step-by-Step Guide

Writing a winning resume, which stands out, is an art form that not many people can do. Hiring managers take about 6 seconds to see whether your resume is worth reviewing. Adding too much information could be overwhelming, while too little information makes you appear inexperienced. Technology has eased some of the burdens by filtering resumes of the best candidates,

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How to Use LinkedIn Effectively by Setting Objectives

LinkedIn is the only leader in the social media domain for professionals. Even if we call it social media, it’s not just that. It’s a medium for professionals. However, as professionals, it is essential to know how to use LinkedIn effectively for our objectives. Setting Objectives for Effective Use of LinkedIn Effectivity only comes with objectivity. The first step is

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